Neo avant-garde artist Peter Bartoš (born 1938) is a radical figure on the Slovakian art scene. His early conceptual works included several experiments with ephemeral natural materials, such as snow. He created pieces to be absorbed by nature, hence permanently transformed or recycled. Nature and landscape has long been an important source of inspiration for Bartoš. He worked with live animals on several occasions and since the late 1960s, he has been breeding pigeons. His ecological ideas include debreeding, the reintroduction of selected species of now domesticated animals (such as horses, dogs and pigeons) into the wild, and the regeneration of the countryside cultivated by humans.
From 1979 until 1991 he was employed by the Bratislava Zoological Garden as a conceptual artist where he designed and prepared enclosures and environments in consultation with zoologists. Bartoš approached the concept for the new areas holistically: he dealt with the specific needs of animals in relation to their original Carpathian environment, reflecting the natural contours of the landscape and taking into account the migration routes of birds, wind direction, noise and many other factors.
“… I was also interested in the immediate ‘zoomedium’ or in ‘animal art’ as a biological and psychological prototype of the relationship between the living forms on Earth as well as the formation or creation of an ecological culture.”
At DAMA, Tenderpixel will present the documentation of Bartoš’ zoo project, curated and interpreted by Slovakian artist Petra Feriancová (born 1977), who worked with Bartoš on several projects, as well co-operated on artworks. Documentation of his practice include paintings, photo series, drawings, re-drawings, photocopies, montages, finger paintings and paintings made whilst walking.
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Peter Bartoš (born 1938), lives and works in Bratislava, Slovakia, and other countries of Central Europe from time to time. He is an early exponent of conceptual and action art in Slovakia. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava from 1957 until 1965, where he also finished his postgraduate studies in 1967.
Solo exhibitions include ZOO Bratislava, Entrance Gallery, Prague, CZ (2016); Homeland,amt_project, Bratislava, SK (2015) with collaborations by Peter Andráši, Petra Feriancová, KvětaFulierová, Július Koller; Situations 1945–2014, Secession, Vienna, AT (2014/2015), curated by Annette Südbeck with researcher Mira Keratová; Artoteam od A po Ž, conceptual reading room,Galéria Jána Koniarka, Trnava, SK (2000-01); Peter Bartoš – Z tvorby, Nitrianska galéria, Nitra, SK(2010), curated by Lucia Stachová and Richard Gregor; Permanentná antigaléria (The PermanentAnti-gallery), with Julius Koller, the display window of the Komunálna opravovňa pančúch (Hosiery Express Repair shop), Bratislava, SK (1968/69); Peter Bartoš, Michal Studený, Galéria mladých, Bratislava, SK (1967).
Selected group exhibitions include CS Conceptual Art of the 70s, Fait Gallery, Brno, CZ (2017 – 2018); Sitting Together – Parallel Chronologies of Coincidences in Eastern Europe,, Bratislava, SK (2017); About the Fear, that will Come, East Slovakian Gallery, Košice, SK (2017); Conceptualart and Communism 1965 – 1989, Gallery BBLA, New York, US (2015); Slovak Picture – Anti-picture, The Riding-hall of the Prague Castle, Prague, CZ (2008); The Art of Action, 1965 -1989,SNG, Bratislava, SK (2001); Century, history of Slovak Visual Arts, the Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, SK (2000); Global conceptualism: points of origin, Queens Museum of Art, New York, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Miami Art Museum, Miami, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver (1999/2001); Action – Word – Move – Space, experiments in the art of the Sixties, Gallery of the Capital City Prague, CZ (1999); Body and the East, from the 1960s to the present, Moderna Galerija, Lublan, SL (1998); The Sixties in Slovak Visual Art, the Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, SK (1995); Apellación, From Ideology to Ideas, Pavilion of Slovak Art EXPO ’92, Sevilla, SP (1992); Action Art, Považská Art Gallery, Žilina, SK (1991); Action Art, Gallery Mánes, Prage, CZ (1991); Oscilations, exhibitions of artists living in Slovakia and Hungary, Mücsarnok, Budapest, HU (1991); Art Against Totality, accompanying exhibition of ethics and politics symposium, Bratislava, SK (1990); Bilder aus der Slowakei 1965 – 1980, (P. Bartoš, J. Meliš, M. Kern, V. Havrilla), Galerie Pragxis, Essen, DE (1982); Attention, Lausanne, CH (1972); Junge kunstlerausder Tschechoslowakei, Informationszentrale für Ereignisse, Bielefeld, DE (1971); Landart andEcologyart, Gallery Lorenzo, Rome, IT (1971); Junge Kunstler aus der ČSSR, Kleistpark, Berlin, DE (1969); Current Tendencies in Slovak Painting, The House of Art, Bratislava, SK (1969);Danuvius 1968, The House of Art, Bratislava, SK (1968); Malarstwo -1967 – Kraków miejskijpavilón wystaw, Kracow, PL (1967).